Refund request

Can you please give me a refund i rushed into buying it and i overestimated my ability to install it, i was unable to get it running and the documentation did not help me at all even with ai assistance i couldn't move this project forward, can you please refund me i bought only about  48 hours ago 

Asked 3 months ago on June 19, 2024 10:03 AM Comments 10 times

  1. Generic placeholder image

    Henry replied


    Can you please downgrade to 3.19.X any version and after that try to run

    Thanks & Regards,
    - Henry
  2. Generic placeholder image

    Seeklient MA replied

    Flutter 3.22.2 • channel stable

    Framework • revision 761747bfc5 (2 weeks ago) • 2024-06-05 22:15:13 +0200

    Engine • revision edd8546116

    Tools • Dart 3.4.3 • DevTools 2.34.3


  3. Generic placeholder image

    Henry replied

    Hello Seeklient MA,

    May i kow which flutter version are using?

    Thanks & Regards,
    - Henry
  4. Generic placeholder image

    Seeklient MA replied

    Here is the error i have when i run "flutter run -d emulator5554" in android studio


    ps : the datebase and the laravel backend is working perfectly, but i can't connect it to the flutter i don't see in the documentation how i can achieve that 
    should i try a new installation and configuration of flutter ?


  5. Generic placeholder image

    MeetMighty replied


    We are waiting please share the error log. so we will provide a solution for that.

    Mighty Support
  6. Generic placeholder image

    Vincent replied


    We will transfer this ticket to our mobile team.

    Share error log / screen shots in comment.

    Thanks & Regards,
    - Vincent
  7. Generic placeholder image

    Seeklient MA replied

    Hello vincent, yes laravel perfectly working on my hosting provider, flutter installed and flutter doctor giving no errors, but from there nothing seems to work, a lot of error due to outdated and non-compatible dependecies, a cannot get the app working on android studio, nor can i get it to connect with the laravel due to the high number of error when i run "flutter run".

  8. Generic placeholder image

    Vincent replied


    Have you completed laravel (backend) setup ?

    Thanks & Regards,
    - Vincent
  9. Generic placeholder image

    Seeklient MA replied

    Thank you for the reply, can you recommend other sources where i can learn how to install it because i am having a hard time with flutter and the documentation don't seem very extensive

  10. Generic placeholder image

    MeetMighty replied

    If you need any help, we will sure provide it. 

    Mighty Support


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