otp problem with Firebase

I want to add otp functionality to the application. but when I try to contact Firebase using otp. I can't get otp for firebase. I'm in Azerbaijan. Please help me.

Asked 2 weeks ago on September 8, 2024 11:54 AM Comments 28 times

  1. Generic placeholder image

    kane replied

    Update your region in firebase and check again.

  2. Generic placeholder image

    tural hacibeyli replied

    but when i try phone number from another country for example Turkiye . otp works well

  3. Generic placeholder image

    kane replied


    It seems that the OTP login is not working because the SHA keys have not been added correctly to Firebase. Please ensure that both the debug and release SHA-256 and SHA-1 keys are added in Firebase. After that, download the updated google-services.json, replace it in the app, and rebuild the app. Once this is done, the issue should be resolved.

    Generate SHA:
    SHA Generation

    Thanks and regards,


  4. Generic placeholder image

    tural hacibeyli replied

    The given sign-in provider is disabled for this Firebase project. Enable it in the Firebase console, under the sign-in method tab of the Auth section.



    i see that error


  5. Generic placeholder image

    kane replied

    Hello share new code this is expired.


  6. Generic placeholder image

    tural hacibeyli replied

    can you connect with google remote

  7. Generic placeholder image

    tural hacibeyli replied

    please connect from google remote  667439809918

  8. Generic placeholder image

    tural hacibeyli replied

    google remote 667439809918

  9. Generic placeholder image

    kane replied

  10. Generic placeholder image

    kane replied

    ok i sent request


  11. Generic placeholder image

    tural hacibeyli replied

    i am waiting


  12. Generic placeholder image

    kane replied

    Hello Keep anydesk running i am connecting.

  13. Generic placeholder image

    tural hacibeyli replied

    anydesk 1540665245

  14. Generic placeholder image

    tural hacibeyli replied

    Hello, how are you today? I still have the same problem. can you connect today and help me? I will send you any table.

  15. Generic placeholder image

    kane replied


  16. Generic placeholder image

    tural hacibeyli replied

    i will give you different anydesk. becouse code on another pc

  17. Generic placeholder image

    kane replied

    Kindly Recconect I am not able to connect.

  18. Generic placeholder image

    tural hacibeyli replied


  19. Generic placeholder image

    tural hacibeyli replied


  20. Generic placeholder image

    tural hacibeyli replied


  21. Generic placeholder image

    kane replied


    Could you please provide AnyDesk access so I can assist you more effectively?

    Best regards,

  22. Generic placeholder image

    tural hacibeyli replied

    we need help with rider 

  23. Generic placeholder image

    tural hacibeyli replied

    I added the sha key. I can give you access to Firebase dashboard, please help me.

    [email protected]

    pass: beybalaebiloldu1901@#

    when you will try enter to my account. i will get otp from google you can ask it from me. from skype my skype name Dede Miki

  24. Generic placeholder image

    kane replied


    Please check if your SHA keys are displayed in the Firebase Console by following these steps:

    • Go to Firebase Console -> Project Settings -> General -> Your Apps -> Android Apps -> SHA Certificate Fingerprints.

    If the SHA keys are not listed, you'll need to add them to Firebase and then update the google-services.json file in your app's code (android/app/google-services.json).

    For more details, please refer to the documentation.
    If you're unsure how to generate SHA keys, check out this guide:
    click here

    If the issue persists after trying this, feel free to reach out for further assistance.


    Best regards,
    Support Team

  25. Generic placeholder image

    tural hacibeyli replied

    void loginWithPhone() async {


          phoneNumber: "+994666692121",

          verificationCompleted: (PhoneAuthCredential credential) async {

            await _auth.signInWithCredential(credential).then((value) {

              print("You are logged in successfully");



          verificationFailed: (FirebaseAuthException e) {



          codeSent: (String verificationId, int? resendToken) {

            otpVisibility = true;

            verificationID = verificationId;

            setState(() {});


          codeAutoRetrievalTimeout: (String verificationId) {},





    I'm trying to connect with Firebase and use OTP. When I manually add the number to the Firebase database, the OTP is sent and works normally. However, when I do it automatically from the app, it doesn't work. This is the code.

  26. Generic placeholder image

    Angela replied

    Have you enable signin method from the firebase?

    Thanks & Regards
    - Angela
  27. Generic placeholder image

    tural hacibeyli replied

    i did not see error just i can not get otp

  28. Generic placeholder image

    Angela replied

    Please share the error log

    Thanks & Regards
    - Angela
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